Ok In 4 days, my 360 stopped by itself and had two red lights on the right side. So the first time I was like Oh sh*t! Then I read the 360 manual and found out that my 360 was too hot inside and I should let it cool down before I play again and that I should put it in a place away from other electronics things..... But the thing is, my 360 is far from the tv... And yesterday when I played my 360, it fu**ed up after oly 2 hours. Man I really hope my 360'll survive so I can play Halo 3.... Lol:D
360Freak69 Blog
My friend's Ps3 broke....lol
by 360Freak69 on Comments
Ok my friend's Ps3 broke.... wanna know how? The Wii broke it. Now you must be wondering how the heck did the Wii break the Ps3? Well the Wii was right next to the Ps3... it was very close, maybe too close. Now because the Wii was right next to the Ps3, the air couldn'tget out... So the Ps3 overheated. That made my day :D
16 days till Halo 3
by 360Freak69 on Comments
Well looks like the most awaited game is coming in 16 days.... AIN'T IT AWESOME!? I can't wait for it! The single player, multi-pl.... Oh, yeah, I need a gold account.... Damn it!
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