Wii is doing best because its more of a family game for kids but second is 360 it says in the xbox mag which is best wii has sold more thn its 360 then its ps3
I've had my 360 for about a year now and its finally ended up in a box again i knew it was going to happen to it it was just a matter of time i go on my 360 every single day so im going to be on my second one now how many 360's have you been through and is it pissing you off?
thanks people dont forget to keep sending them in i'm interested about what you think and dont forget you can send your ideas in to the makers of the game which is rockstar if you read the XBOXWORLD 360 mag then you can see what people want from the game. Keep your ideas coming.
ok people those are some really interesting thoughts you have their now there are one or two points i jst want to clear up what type of things do you wanna see online i dont know maybe have your own territory or more like saints row online but better what type of games could you play? I also like the idea of customising your stuff like character, cars and possibly your house. Anyways keep your opinions coming in please.
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