I am amazed.
Look at this! A slide pad, 3D screen, 3D camera, bigger screens, can't wait for further info!
My one big concern is that I know 3DS can play DS games, but will the slide pad take place of the Dpad or will you have to reach down? Another concern is that like the DSi, this system doesn't have a cartridge slot for Game Boy Advance games, which plain sucks. Since I sold my Game Boy Advance to Gamestop, I'll have nowhere to play them when I get my 3DS (because my DS won't even turn on anymore). Some games you'd want the touch screen to be the screen that's in 3D. Lastly, this isn't a big concern, but in screenshots, it'll look awkward with the top screen bigger then the other. That's not so bad, though.
A gyro sensor? Wow! Maybe Nintendo'll make a sequel to Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble! Also,awesome iPhone games that use the tilt sensor could be on 3DSware, like Pocket God, Falldown, and Doodle Jump. The 3D, I haven't actually seen (I wasn't at E3, but I saw the whole thing), but I'm sure it's amazing! Uh, the slide pad will work great for remakes of Nintendo 64 and GameCube games, plus for behind the back platformers, and for RPG's. I wonder if a sequel to Zelda: Spirit Tracks will use the slide pad instead of the touch screen to move. The 3D camera, this is probably the part I'm most excited about the 3DS. I can just see a picture of my dog in 3D onthis little handheld gadget. And, the telescoping stylus I'm not exactly sure how, but I'm glad it can extend to another half inch than a normal stylus. And, I think it's so cool that you will be able to watch movies in 3D. I hope Avatar will be avalible!