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Dean's List!

Well, I'm officially done with my Junior year at my university. And I must say that I pulled out an impressive 3.6 gpa with the classes I had taken. That marks me down for the second Dean's List I've made in my 6 semesters. I probably could have easily made more, it's just that sometimes, I just don't care. Nonetheless, I'm out! Out of school for at least 3 months!

There's only one thing that could put a damper on my summer...and that one thing happens to be happening in 5 days. I'm getting my tonsils removed on May 18. Yes, I am 21 and I'm just NOW getting my tonsils removed. Apparently it's going to cause pain for a good week, which I'm not feeling excited about. But I suppose that gives me a free week and a reason to sit in front of the tv to play some good ole Xbox and watch some 24 on Netflix. Not a bad trade off.

Reach: Beta impressions. While being a new spin on the Halo franchise, I just wasn't completely satisfied with the gameplay. Yeah, it was fun, yeah I enjoyed it. But it just wasn't the good game I was hoping. I know it's just a Beta, and the whole reason is to find some exploits and mistakes that were made, but there were a TON of things wrong with the Beta. I'm not even going to begin to start, because I'll be here all day, but one peeve I had with it was the Guard class. You should never have the ability to do a super spin out of being armor locked and bash someone who is DIRECTLY behind you right after you get out of the lock. I don't know how many times I had that happen to me. I would be standing behind them and right as they get out of the armor lock, I go to assassinate them, and the camera that they can still control in armor lock is trained on me and they get to spin around like Superman and beat me down like I was cake. That should never be able to happen. Anyway, that was only one problem I had with it.

Other than all that's going on right now, I suppose I'll see you online. rolfcopterz v2 for you Live junkies out there.

See you on the flip side of my surgery.