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E3 Reactions/New Life

Man, I really enjoyed some of the new games being announced through E3.

My most anticipated games:

Splinter Cell: Blacklist
Halo 4
Black Ops 2
Fifa 13 (with Messi on the front!)
Hitman: Absolution
Medal of Honor
Star Wars 1313
Assassin's Creed 3

These games had strong showings at E3 and I'm happy to see what they will come up with. Most exciting to me is another Splinter Cell game. Love those games, but was disappointed with Conviction. Hopefully they learned from their mistake.

I'm married, live in a new city, and starting a new life. I'll be on as I have been of recent, but not as much as of old. I've tried to quit this site, but so many news and reviews keep me coming back.