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So, here we are again, and I've been recovering for the past 5 days from a sickness that made me feel like I was dying. It wasn't the best 5 days of my life. In fact, it was probably one of the worst sicknesses I've had in recent years. So bad, I vomited and it's been since I was a little kid just about since I last vomited from an actual illness. Grossness aside, did anyone watch the 20 inning game that the Cardinals and Mets put on last night? That was amazing!

Been playing the mess out of Fifa and Conviction recently. Padding those stats in my online ranking for head to head on Fifa now. I'm something like 46-2-17 I believe. Not too shabby if I might say so myself. But I'm sure someone on here has played it more than me and has a better record. I'm all up for a challenge if anyone wants to pose one!

Our last softball game before the tournament is tomorrow. Pretty exciting. To add to that, there is only literally 10 school days left until finals, which is amazing and frightening at the same time. Frightening because it's my fiance's last semester at school before she goes off and leaves me at her internship...

So tell me guys, any plans for your summer? How are your semesters going? Any games you recommend me to play or want to play with me? Let's make this interactive between you and I. I want to hit this blog thing off! I'm tired of only like 2 responses more times than not! I'm vouching to make my posts more interactive.

That is all. Signing off world! See you in the early wee hours of the morning. (unfortunately)