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Sure has been a while

Been visiting on and off since I've gotten out of college and started work in the real world. It's been entirely too long, but without the ability to do internet things at work, it puts a little damper on my ability to do much on the internet at all that isn't through my phone. However, all is about to change. I'm about to leave this current job and join up with the Air Force and go through Officer Training School, or at least that's my goal. All I need to do is pass a qualifying test and some screening, and I could be selected to go through the school. So that's what I've been working towards for the last week in hopes that I can finally find something that I enjoy to do with my life.

Married life is wonderful and fun and all that I imagined it could be. We've been married around 9 months now, and it's a blast.

I've truly been missing this site and all the posting I used to do, and perhaps I can come back and be a friendly face to those that may recognize me. If not, then I suppose I'll get to know you.

See you around!