Wow!!!! I am done with your reviews gamespot. You wouldn't review a 3 hour long movie after watching only the first hour of it! I am not going to rant about this guys opinion.
All I am going to say is that, if this game is mediocre then Call of Duty Ghost should get a 2 at best.
@Centurion-Legio There is no reward for not killing each other -unless you want someone to rampage with. So why not kill each other "right and left". Would you rather not to be able to kill each other in the open world? That would be dumb... to me.
@Centurion-Legio Why is is stupid to kill each other? I think its fun to always feel threatened and at the same being pleasantly surprised by a friendly player. Most of the game modes are based around killing other players. Why wouldn't you kill each other in the open world. Its fun fighting and chasing other players in the open world. There aren't really any negatives to dying, unless you don't deposit you cash.
Is this the first time they've done a review of an update? I think they re-reviewed League of Legends buuuut that was years after it came out. YEARS of updates. GTA online hasn't even been out for a year and your already reviewing it... again? This game will be constantly improved upon. I think GTA online is far more than a fair deal. Youre getting a lot of content and this update is only the beginning. If you reviewed this update, will you re-review GTA online after every BIG update?
4everdeadpanda's comments