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5-0 Blog

Why I wasn't here...

Well I wanted to go on people's blogs yesterday and comment, but something happened. I was reading a news story about something and wanted to comment, so I scrolled down and it said that I needed to sign up. I was like "huh? But I am logged in". Then I looked up and saw I had a PM. And that PM told me I'd been suspended for one day for "derogatory use of retarded; censor bypassing". This was in a comment I made about how *bleep* retar... *ahem* I mean...stupid the name MAG Massive Online Game is. I mean, come on...

I didn't even think it was offensive to use *that word*.


On another note, I finished my work experience today, and the assistant manager gave me a voucher with 10% staff discount :D

And now I've officially broken up for the summer...and tomorrow I'm going to see Kung Fu Panda and go paintballing with my mate :D

An Update...

OK, so I've has so much news I thought I'd better update. This week and last week I've been doing my work experience, which is at a chain of stores called PC World...no prizes for guessing what they sell ;) It's been pretty good, I like it cause they treat you like an adult there, unlike at school. Now I know what working nine to five feels like...it's a long day, although I don't have to get up as early as I do for school. What's great is that I have a friend from my class at school who's also doing it, so we suffer together :D I finish my work experience on Friday, and then I break up for the summer :)

Apparently you get a gift voucher at the end of it, and if that's true, that might be going towards getting a PS3. ...Speaking of PS3, I watched the Sony E3 conference, and I've got the emblem to show for it. In non-related news, I got a snare drum last week, but not the one in my previous blog, I couldn't wait that long to get rid of my old snare. The improvement is unbelievable, the drum is made of one of the best woods for drums, maple, and I got it for a pretty good price cause it's old stock...my only complaint is that because it's cheap, the skins aren't that good, but I can always upgrade in the future. I'll stop now cause you probably won't really know what I'm talking about :D Here's a picture from the website.

The colour is really nice, black sparkle...it's kinda like piano black mixed with bits of glitter in it, so that when the light hits it, it really shines...nice.

*Spoilers if you haven't seen Hancock*

Oh...and I saw Hancock last weekend with my Dad...a good performance from Will Smith as always, but the film itself was a bit disappointing...I mean, the first part was fine with the whole drunk superhero thing, but the second part was seriously dark and both Hancock and the woman got almost fatally shot? I mean, what the hell? And it was only a 12A.

Any thoughts?

New Level, plus...

So I realised today I'm now Sheng Long. Erm...great. In other news, I finally managed to trade in a really crap PSP game I got when I bought the system off my friend...and got a really good game instead :) I downloaded the demo of SOCOM: Tactical Strike a while ago, and wanted to get it, but it wasn't in any shop in town, so I picked up Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, which I got for £7.99 cause of the trade in. Pretty good :D And now I'm not going to buy anything for a while cause I want a new snare drum...

Tama Snare Look at those tribal engravings...nice eh?

I went to see...

...Iron Man last night. It was good, I really enjoyed it, an interesting plot, and a likeable main character. I'm glad I stayed after the credits at the end, like my friends told me to do, cause there was a nice surprise...:) All the other people had left. What losers!

Changed My Theme

So...you may have realised I have changed my profile theme. I'm just wondering what everyone thinks. I'm really not that that good with Paintshop Pro, I'm not exactly into editing and distorting things; I just prefer a good design. A simple night filter on the banner image. I personally love the text, cause I just discovered the joys of gradients! :) The chrome effect on my avatar is pretty good in my opinion. I like good graphics. Graphic Products is one thing I'm studying at school, so yeah...it has an effect.

PSP Update...

Just thought I'd update you on what's happening with the PSP...I bought Burnout Legends for it yesterday, ordered Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow and played demos of the aforementioned, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and SOCOM Fireteam Bravo II. I am still not sure about whether to get SOCOM, I mean, the demo wasn't that great, too short to really get an idea of what it's like. I borrowed MGS PO off a friend, and I like it, but it's really hard :( And I can't find it ANYWHERE! Same goes for SF: Dark Mirror. All the old PSP games seem to have disappeared, except for on Ebay. I LOVE the PSP though, so capable with internet, video, music, whatever. It's great! :) I'm going to order a 4gb Memory Stick for it.

I'm gonna be getting a PSP!

So my friend was going to be selling her PSP and trading it in at a shop (it's the old one, not Slim & Lite), and I said I'd buy it off her instead, for 45 pounds. She has two games for it, Midnight Club 3 and Dead to Rights II. I'm not interested in Midnight Club because I already have it for Xbox and have beaten it, so at the weekend when the deal goes down (lol) I'm gonna go into town and buy some new games for it. Problem is, I know nothing about PSPs, so I was wondering if any of you owners out there could recommend me some great games? From what I've seen, the newest Syphon Filter looks good, as does MGS Portable Ops, and Burnout Legends. I've also thought about the SOCOM series, but I don't don't know if they're actually any good. Any other games I must own? Hopefully this has given you a rough idea about my tastes, so...yeah. Thanks for any help :) One more thing, when I try and use a pound sign, it says "Your HTML is not well-formed - no valid tags were found." Any ideas of how to get around this?

Got my Results!

Soo last week my drum lessons resumed and I got my results for my Grade 3 drum exam...I passed...by one mark! :) Apparently I had "no real dynamics". Well, yeah I was **** nervous and kind of forgot all that. Apparently my grip was messed up too, lol.

Level 25!

So, I'm now up to level 25 :) Can anyone tell me what Defias Brotherhood is? EDIT: So I looked up Defias Brotherhood myself, and it seems to be some kind of group in World of Warcraft. I'm not gonna go any further, because WoW completely sucks away a person's soul :P

Soo...now I've been tagged

Hmm, so it seems alext_b has tagged me...now I've gotta write 5 things you may not know about me eh? Right, umm.. 1. Before I started learning drums, I was in an African drumming group at my previous school, we got kind of famous around the area, and performed at various places... 2. I don't like nuts. 3. I have never seen ET :O 4. I excel at English at school. 5. I used to like MAINSTREAM rap! Erggh! And now I tag five more people: DeathByControl Lancelot200 Mattjs95 football_legend and herviross_2, it's your turn now to do five things people may not know about you now.