My BF3 is like 8GB of updates I think and that's without installing the disc itself. Each update is like 1.2-2GB generally.Sorry for wrong forum posting, but this forum's more active and I need an answer ASAP!
As I've read, battlefield 3 Xbox updates are pretty big, but I need to know the bare minimum size of updates I need for going on multiplayer. NO DLCs. Just standard maps. Because I have to decide if I'm going to get this game WITHIN MINUTES!!!
Thanks in advance!
5cott's forum posts
Anyone agrees?
If you're referring to multiplayer, then no, probably not for me. Patches may well make the game descent but as it stands, i'm fairly disappointed about it. I like how, in parts atleast, it feels that perks do not make a huge gameplay difference (e.g., ghost being level 55, albeit too high of a level) and it being based heavily on gun-gun fights rather than abusing killstreaks. However, the game's hit boxes are dire, the 'new modern' guns are unmemorable and uninspiring and the spawn system makes some previous Cods look awesome in comparison.
This is just my experience, but let me share an example of today's game; Our team were like 55-30 up in team deathmatch. Me and a couple of friends got killed reasonably fairly (and i question this because my body was behind cover in the killcam but his hitmarker 'hit' me outside of it but i digress). We respawn into 2 enemies immediately. Then again, and again and again. This repeated on and off resulting in 8 immediate deaths for me and around 11 for my friend and several other deaths from other team mates. They then won the game undeservedly 75-70. They got atleast 19 points from us because we were being spawned with enemies either looking into or directly firing into our backs. If there's ever an example of sloppy spawn system, then this gets the award for me. That was the worst multiplayer experience i've ever had in a cod game. I rarely play domination, but atleast if you're spawn trapped you tend to know why - but this was in TDM and that's completely unacceptable. And bad experiences stick around longer.
That's fine. The use of the word may be overused in some situations.
I took as the survey as I am one of those people that often wants to debate or discuss a subject, and is therein often accused of 'trolling' by those who feel any disagreement is an insult.
I define trolling as being insulting, though, in my experience, many people consider trolling to be any form of disagreement. This is often the case in forum moderators...
Weirdly enough, that has appeared a few times :P
i did it
for the lulz!
i took it and was honest even in the part where i do trolling onlineelbert_b_23
Thank you - i would like as many as possible to be as honest. Besides, there is no consequences to that :)
A handful more of participants would be awsome. :)
Haha thanks guys :)I got your back. Survey completed ;)
Trolling, serious business lolistuffedsunnyAnd yeah lol online behaviour is really interesting :)
inb4 WoW isn't an RPG :PdramaybazYeah i know, strictly speaking it is an MMORPG but i had to minimise the number of genres for the analysis. :)
I took the survey. You will not like my answers, but they are the truth.LustForSoulThat's ok, i was hoping for some different opinions regardless :)
Thanks guys, it's really appreciated!
If I was in your position, i would want as many people filling it out as you do.
Yeah lol - the more the merrier :)
Cheers. I'm sure i will - it will be a while though :)I took your survey. You should post yout results when finished.
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