5ilver5hadow Blog
My Fifteen Favourite Games Of All Time
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
Well, here are my fifteen favourite games of all time for anyone that cares :P (1 being the best and 15 the 'worst')
This game gave me many hours of fun gameplay both online and offline; I know it wasn't the highest rated game of all time, but at the time for me it was extremely fun.
14) HALO 3 (X360)
If this needs a description then you really shouldn't be here. Doesn't have a huge amount of replay value so not so high in the list.
This is the first proper pc game that I ever played alot; and one of the first online games I played. It was ok, and considering at the time I only had 56k, pretty amazing that I could even play it.
One of the best playstation one games out there; ridicously original and amazingly fun (whilst being frustratingly hard at the same time).
This game, I found out was actually a limited edition and I'm really annoyed that I traded it in :( . It was really fun, and pretty realistic in some places. Highly reccomended if you can find it anywhere.
10) QUAKE 3 (PC)
Anyone who's ever played this will definitely agree with me. A game that was well ahead of its time and an instant ****c for LAN parties.
This must be one of the first games I ever played. I never actually even had the game; I just played the demo that came with the playstation to death.
Obviously this had to be inhere somewhere (appropriately in slot 8 :P), I'd probably still be playing this to this day if I hadn't lost the disc.
This doesn't really need to be explained except to say that it is clearly the best GTA game, because it's the most original and it doesn't have hundreds of features that are never used and that are just plain annoying.
An amazing game that combines a number of different techniques that both work, and work well. AlsoI'd like to add that it has most definitely the best singleplayer campaign I've ever played.
In my opinion the best of the Command and Conquer games so far closely rivalled by Tiberium Sun. Huge amounts of fun and replay value. Campaigns were hard, but very very satisfying.
If you have never played this (the sequel does not count) you have to go out today and buy it. This game was doing things that most games have only just started to do as a requirement for todays standards.
Fantastic game; the singleplayer was exhillerating, the multiplayer was the most fun I've ever had (not including the online play) and none of that includes the two best features; the map maker and the arcade games (from which I won an Official Playstation Magazine competition).
2) GEARS OF WAR (X360)
I honestly do not need a reason for why this is No. 2 on my list; obviously apart from No.1, it's the best online game ever. Which, combined with the incredible co-op campaign and the insense graphics and sound effects makes it the game it is today with the most anticipated sequel of 2008.
1) SOCOM 3 (PS2)
Admitidly, the singleplayer for socom 3 was not great; but the multiplayer was what everyone played it for anyway. I made some friends on there that I'll probably keep for a very long time. Not only was the game a ton of fun, it was quite realistic, required skill (in most parts) and the community was epic. I had some of the best times of my life playing socom and it was without a doubt the best period of my life so far, so care-free and fun. This is why I can't wait for Socom Confrontation (which I'll actually have to buy a ps3 for).
E308; other stuff that needs to be sorted out
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
Firstly, I hope all you guys (and gals) are having a great E3 experience, personally I thought the Microsoft conference was ok; nothing special but also not too bad in the grand scheme of things.
I was extremely excited about GoW 2, and End War but the rest of it was a let down for me. I especially don't like the idea of the avatars ( I mean WTF? Are they gonna be instead of gamerpics?) and I think the new layout is a bit uneccessary. I am however, looking forward to to the party'ing up.
Who else is waiting for Sony's conference? (Btw no offense but I couldn't give a slighest crap about Nintendo); I WANT SOCOM CONFRONTATION!
E3 out of the way, it's now officially the holidays; which means more getting drunk, going to the gym and playing a huge 5h1t load of games.
On another note, to battelfield bad company players, is anyone else finding the downtimes really really annoying? And has anyone got the squad feature to actually work yet?
That's all I've got for now but I'll update most likely at the end of E3.
Peace MF's
5 Things You Don't Know About Me
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
Here we go;
1) I'll be going to Warwick university in september to study Maths with Physics
2) I have no real talent except for being pretty good (nothing special though) at some video games
3) I once had to survive without the internet for a week and my life got better :P
4) I have extremely strong opinions on most things, some people may like that but most don't
5) I work at the Co-op :(
I'm tagging everyone who reads this with 'the virus' to have to post 5 things that we don't know about you
I'm Back! :)
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
After several months of being AFK I think I deserve anyone who's bothered enough to read this a reason why I've been gone for so long.
To start with, I've been having major connection issues in the last 6 months ish which means it takes me about 10 minutes to load the gs homepage. This is still an issue but I think it should be sorted soon.
The other main reason was that I had an unhealthy amount of january exams to revise for, and then an unhealthy amount of being depressed about the poor results I got from those january exams. (Sorry but I don't know where I was between doing the exams and getting the results :P).
There are a couple of smaller reasons but you'll have to watch this space because they might become larger reasons quite soon.
I do have a question for those of you who have made it this far; is it worth trading in 5 or 6 of my old games that I know i'll miss for Rainbow Six Vegas 2? (I enjoyed the single and multiplayer of the 1st one if that helps)
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
I preordered Bioshock (the collectors edition obviously)at Game a couple of weeks or two back and on Friday, I went in to collect it and they claimed that i didn't the retards! I frantically searched around to try and find the collectors edition somewhere for the 360 but it was sold out everywhere so i went and did something stupid/brilliant; I bought the normal game for 360 and i managed to find the collectors edition for the pc so i bought that aswell.
After 17 hours of playing, (14 hours straight on friday night and 3 hours during saturday) i completed the game on normal difficulty and gained 830 Gamerpoints. Its the most i've ever played one game in such a short amount of time but i would have to say probably the best singleplayer game i have EVER played. I give it a 10 and i'm not even disappoined that it doesn't have multiplayer because it would probably ruin it.
Now I only have left to complete it again on hard, collect all the audiobooks, get all the tonics and researh everything (it's really annoying because i only realised after i had completed the game that you had to research secuirity stuff aswell as the enemies to get the research phd achievement).
Best Game EVER, well done 2k, (Y)
E3 2007 Summary
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
I hope everyone else agrees that this year's E3 was very good and i enjoyed it alot, maybe a little too much (i watched over 20 hours of E3 Live).
To start with i am extremely annoyed with my alarm clock because it didn't go off when i wanted it to so i could get up at 4:30 am for the live Microsoft conference. However, i watched it later and i have to say that i think their's was the best out of the three. They gave alot of statistics and facts that proved to us that the 360 is the most popular current gen console and it was just nice to hear some facts to back up their claims to being the best out of the three (whereas Sony on the other hand could not because any statistic they could give would make them look worse).
I am extremely excited about some 360 games such as Bioshock, Call Of Duty 4, Madden 08 and obviously Halo 3 but i do feel that otherwise Microsoft don't have much to offer because they seemed to fill up the rest of the conference with stupid games like Scene It on the 360 (what the hell were they thinking?).
Bioshock looks so immense, i mean the way you can customise practically everything you hold, including yourself is just such a great idea; i just admire them for putting so much effort into it and i'm sure it's going to be one of the best games out this year.
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare gave me not such a good impression but after a while and the video of the two guys in ghillie suits, i think i would enjoy it alot as i really like games in which you get to do alot of hiding and sniping.
I don't really need to give a reason as to why i'm looking forward to Halo 3; that said it's probably mostly down to hype because if you think about it the beta wasn't actually that much of an improvement on Halo 2, but i mean it's a Halo game, its got to be good; right?
I didn't really pay much attention to the Nintendo Conference because the only Nintendo thing i own is a Ds Lite and i want to sell it so i don't really want to know much (especially as i dislike the Wii because it is just a huge fad). I did own an N64 at one point and it was great but since the Wii my respect for Nintendo has gone down to almost none.
The Sony conference was alot better than i had first anticipated becuase i had expected it to be a bit awkward seeing as they aren't doing so well in the current gen console war; but they really impressed me. It was a bit lame when Chewy came on but the PSP redeemed itself in my books when i saw both the preview of God of War 2 and Socom Tactical Assault as the graphics were astounding for such a small screen and the fact that it now has twice as much ram than it had before.
I haven't got a PS3 yet but since watching E3 i have decided that i am definitely going to get one, mainly for Socom Confrontation (which i was very dissapointed because there was nothing about it in E3) but also for some other games i picked up during E3 such as Kane and Lynch which looks alot like freedom fighters, which was one of my favourite games on the PS2.
Also, Rachet & Clank caught my eye as i liked the older ones and they seem to have reverted back to those ****instead of carrying on the new weird ****
I really want Killzone 2 aswell because i really enjoyed the first Killzone despite the not so kind reviews it got.
Warhawk also looks like a must have because it seems alot like Battlefield 2 which was immense but on a console, which i prefer because it's eaiser to handle and you don't get so many cheaters.
Another reason why i would get a PS3 would be so that i could get Unreal Tournament 3 earlier than if i wanted it on the Xbox 360.
Other games that i now really really want include Assassins Creed, Resident Evil 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, The Orange Box, Turing Point, and last but by no means least GTA IV!
All in all i think E3 this year has been my best so far (and only :P); so i'd like to give a great big thanks to the guys at gamespot, all the people involved in E3 (except Nintendo) and finally i'd like to give a big shout out to my buddies in Room 4!! Thanks for making my E3 experience so good guys, see ya next year :P
I need advise, please help
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
I've known this girl (Annie) for a long time now, we've been friends for practically as long as i can remember; and i really really like her. My mum and her mum are good friends and they talk alot, and from what i've heard down the line she likes me too (I don't know how much though).
However i think i may have left it too long to do anything because we seem to just be best friends now and i don't know how to get out of the friend loop. Also i'm about to go into my final year of 6th form college after the summer and so i will be going to uni fairly soon and i don't know whether to leave it until i get back to do anything or not because i've heard from so many people that relationships normally don't last through uni, especially if you're not in the same uni. But if i leave it too long we will probably not see each other as much and in that time she will very likely find someone else. Also i don't want to screw things up because i definitely don't want to lose her as a friend.
And to add a final problem i suck at this kind of stuff, i'm really shy and any suggestions of how to finally let her know how i feel would be greatly appreciated (seriously, anything because i have no idea what i would do).
3 or IV?
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
Well it seems it is going to be a big year for big games and i was just wondering what people think will be the best (in you opinion) / biggest seller (estimate) between Halo 3 and GTA IV?
Plz comment and let me know which one you are looking forward to most and which one you think will be bigger.
In my opinion i think i am looking forward to GTA IV the most because it will be such a big and explorable game, and even though i am still looking forward to Halo 3, i was a bit dissapointed by the beta, but i'll still buy it and hopefully they'll have made it better and gotten rid of the glitches.
I think GTA IV will be more of a sellout but i think in time Halo 3 will collect more users and will be played for longer.
Socom 4 & Confrontation
by 5ilver5hadow on Comments
I'm sure many of you know of the Immense Socom series for the ps2 and that there is going to be new socom gamesfor the ps3 soon, called Socom Confrontation(online only, by Slant Six) and Socom 4 (Zipper)and i have created the First and at the moment ONLY!!!! Union for them. Join today or be forever spammed with invites and feelings of regret for not joining sooner and gaining the rank of Officer.
Join Here or suffer the penalties!
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