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65mustangryan Blog

Finished SC: Conviction

So, I finished Splinter Cell last night, what a short story. I think I will go back and play some of the previous games because I really got that jumped in in the middle feeling. I liked the gameplay, but it could have been a lot longer. It took me maybe 8 hours to beat, a little disappointing.

Haven't kept up.

So I'm noticing a pattern with games I used to play. Being I haven't kept up on anything in the last 8 years until about a year ago... All the games I used to play are on their 4th or 5th in the series and I'm completely lost on the story. Examples are Metal Gear Solid, Splinter Cell, James Bond. Now some of these I can jump back into, but it's disappointing that I didn't keep up on them. Oh well, no better time to start than the present I guess.

no time to game.

So... as the topic describes, I have no time to game. Somebody decided to run over my mailbox along with my other 6 neighbors who have theirs on the same mount. Since I'm the handiest guy of the group, I get to fix them. Between that and my family, I've had no time to play. What time I have had has been spent on Splinter Cell: Conviction and Red Dead Redemption, both of which I've had a great time playing.

Hello from newb

Hey, look at me posting my first message that probably nobody will read. I could talk about the games I'm involved in right now. Let me start off by saying that I'm a family man with 2 kids, so I don't get to game too much. But, I still try to keep up with the latest. I own an xbox 360 and a Wii, I play mostly on my xbox. Right now I'm in the middle of Red Dead Redemption and I love it. I'm not too familiar with Rockstar games, haven't really followed them like a lot of people have. But, I love the story and this is the first cowboy/western style game I've ever played. I really like the shooting style and the duels, I've always loved games that are heavy on story and not just mindless shoot-em-up. (however I like those too) I just finished playing Mafia 2, which I thought was great, because of the story. I know a lot of people get bored with that but, I love it. The more involved in the story and closer to the character I get the more I like it. I want to go back and play it on hard, plus try to find all the pinups. My son wants me to get him Star Wars Force Unleashed 2, which I see has a really low rating but my son is 7, so he just thinks it's cool. The last game I remember being really absorbed in was Driver for PS a long time ago. I know, it's been a while for me. But, I'm really looking forward to the San Francisco coming out. Anyways, just getting back into gaming when I have the time. I figured GS would be a great way to say connected. .. So from this newb to everyone else Hello.