Ahhh - blasting things - there's just something sublime about shooting virtual hordes of bad-guys, monsters and mutants in the face that (obviously) appeals to gamers of every stripe, and so it is with much enthusiasm that I strenuously recommend that you run out right away (er, assuming you haven't already that is!) and buy Singularity - the latest blast-'em fest from Raven and our beloved friends at Activision...
Simply put, Singularity is a refreshing diversion from the 'Modern Combat' type of game(s) that are dominating the sales charts, XBL and PSN these days... That fact alone should be enough to compel a purchase from FPS fans yearning for something more along the lines of Bioshock, Half Life and Resistance FoM...
I've only put in a couple of hours with the campaign so far, and you can color me duly impressed. I will be trying the MP soon, (once I get through the SP) which, in theory, sounds like it could be a real blast... we shall see*... it involves, attimes,puking on opponents (hurt) or teammates (heal) which, well... that's just plain awesome...
I'm not normally given to shameless plugs - especially for these more obscure 'under-the-radar' types of games, but this one deserves your attention, and your hard-earned money too... and, for a considerable number of games out there,that's not something that can be easily said...
Bottom Line: This quirky sci-fi shooter is well paced and is actually fun to play... throw in serviceable MP* and we have a Winner here folks!
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