"We're delivering thousands of dollars of value to people,"
Um, no, you are delivering thousands in value to corporations. Hardware that has to be connected to the net, and records people's reactions to on screen content, is the ad tracking holy grail.
The money Google make out of tracking movements online pails into insignificance compared to what this system is hardwired to do. It just needs a TOS change to green light its full potential. And will Xbox owners get a slice of this pie? Why, no. they will paying Microsoft to access the net, through Live Gold.
I am still staggered that people are falling for this.
Well it looks like Major Failure has got his PR and marketing in gear at last. He wants a page full of nice comments about the xbox, and in return 2 lucky stooges will get limited edition xbox one doritos and mountain dew?
I am still trying to get my head around this shopping list of rules this thing has;
Must find the internet once a day (no consumer benefit). Will lock up if you don't comply (this is going to make for some interesting no quibble store refunds)
You can share your game with 10 family members? What? In the same building? Market research showing western gamers breed like rabbits? Where is the money coming from to feed 8 kids?
Or is it 10 family members anywhere. Can I pretend my friend is my long lost brother?
I have to have the Kinect plugged in or the console won't function but you can turn it off? Turning a peripheral off normally means throwing it in the back of a cupboard. Can I do that?
Ok, I can lend it to a friend, but then I might lose my game? Or I can lend it once and then I lose it?
Or one of us might get charged in this swapping, but we are not sure which one... maybe both of us if we do something stupid?
I might be able to sell my game, but if the publisher feels like it, they new buyer can get stung for full retail?
You have a patent that allows movie rental companies to scan the room for people and charge per seat, what if the kinect is pointing at the dog? Can it tell dog shape from a couch full of people?
There are 2 marketing rules that thou shall never break;
@MissionCreep well said. These companies and their RM (reputation management trolls on message boards) can quote the law regarding copyright all day long. And legally they are right.
BUT, the first rule of consumerism; the customer is always right. Anyone who challenges that motto is dicing with professional death.
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