There is one key advantage Steam has over both Microsoft and Sony that the above fails to mention; They truly understand better than any other company on the internet, pricing strategy. Microsoft are utterly clueless in this area. MS charge for gaming itself in an age that is asking serious questions about that, and they charge staggering prices for 5 year old games, assuming that people will pay up as downloading games is 'cool'. Steam on the other hand, 'get' internet pricing strategy to such a degree I would call them the industry standard. They stand to tear into the flanks of Microsoft and Sony as both firms attempt to move to the download business model.
@deathwish026 actually it was called 360 because a marketing decision said it had to have a name that started with 3, to draw parity with PS3, despite the fact it was Xbox 2. The surround thing you mention is just the excuse they gave out for justifying getting a 3 in the name.
well, reflecting the other news item about Nintendo sales being down as well, all I can say to MS is, dont go chasing waterfalls of out-of-this-world performance, if the thing is going to melt in people's living rooms like the last one did. And lose the gold fee for playing games, or I go to steam.
umm, I have to log into gamespot UK by default, can't get round that. And this article says "Common Sense Media survey finds majority of parents nationwide have issues with levels of violence in games;" Um, no they don't. Parents in a country 3500 miles away have issues with violence in videogames. If we have to have a country specific version, can the news reflect that?
final word from me..look at the sales of Minecraft, then look at high end games with stagnated graphics, because the budget ran out; looking at you Forza, and the lack of new tracks.
If developers had more confidence in gamers (and they should) we could see level editors become mainstream, as in, on consoles. The Skyrim developers let PC owners have the keys to the toy cupboard and look at the amazing things they came up with.
Doing so would open up game worlds, and get new content created without massive bills. And the creators get fame and a new skillset. Bring it on
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