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74141976 Blog

looking for writers

ok now im fina see who actually reads my blogs on this site: Ok I am looking for motivated writers for upcoming site "realtalkgaming.com"

new site

well guess what gamespot, I'm a new writer for gamesthirst.com an upcoming site that will be live in january 2010 thought i just drop by and to post on my blog

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my emblem

wow thanx g.s for the emblem i didnt even kno u had a emblem for that dam ima keep gettn them points on my fav system and when november get here i will be playing more my new cod bundle edition baby

the conference

ok now that i watch three of them today i came to the conclusion so far i like "ms" better only cuz of the natel and the updates for nxe the ubisoft crap was not up to par dam an hr long talk from james in which it was boring as heel i had time to wash some clothes for my kid school wow lame..........i hope i get them emblems for watching all three of them today hopefully sony will have some good things coming for us...........oh ea man were they good i like what will hapen to madden when it comes out as always EASPORT u is in the game ................dammit the 12 of august cant get here no faster..........ac2 and scc cant wait for those to hit our boxes this year as well well im done posting my eyes hurt tryn to watch everything now im fina do what i do best download movies all night

My Obama High

Well everybody we have our next president yes we can we done did it and now its really time to move forward as a complete whole in America ...When i was watching it on CNN "the best political team on the planet period" i was just so anxious to be witnessing our history not just African American but biracial history that kick the doors open cuz for us that is mixed with different background me my self black rican and Chinese and a family with different backgrounds as well i just dont how deep it is tho just my three is enough lmao but fa real yall i hope this will silence a lot of people today and the next tomorrow, as they announcement when he got cali i first ran outside and yell real loud of pride and joy full excitement and soul for our past it was just an incredible feeling to have i never experience that kind of feeling since my beloved white sox won the world series in 05 yes i am a true Chicagoan englewood stand up i am that piece of the vein that run to the heart in our city........... then i came back in my house and just cried for half the speech he gave to us i cried when Roland martin said what he said i just cried throughout the night yall dont understand what we have been thru for all those years even tho my personally have not been thru but i am the child of moving forward after the 8 yrs of what happen to martin ya dig but i respect what my mom went thru and her mom went thru cuz was that generation that pave the way for us today so i cried for that..................and today when i woke i still could not believe that was happening i turn the tv on and tru enough it was real so once again my face just forming up to cry cuz i saw new image on the tv hearing other people feelings watching the to what that Republican lady was gonna say and i dont watch the veiw i recorded the history on my dvr but i hope somebody put it onna disk so i buy it from the retail and i think everybody should go get it if it does go that way but i was disappointed for cali for not letting the gay people get married it just undermine what obama was speaking about but maybe in due gay couple will be able to get married across the us without trouble...and no i am not gay i'm open minded about life i see both side of the grass people i'm not far to the left or to the right and u know what that also help my city to get an fa sure bid for the 2016 Olympics i can just keep blogging on and on but i'm not i think i somewhat got point across but u know i will some more up later on this matter holla yall

ready to blog

well since the last blog i step away from blogging cuz of me and gamespot went thru i'm not gonna comment on it so thas over with now WHAS GOOD YALL OBAMA is about to win this election yall i could not get my early vote in but i will be in line to vote for obama on the 4th baby.............now on the gaming side i am gonna get about at least 500 in games and upgrades fa my 360 its been a while but im broke fa real yall so its gonna be a fun fa me xmas this year i just cant wait i know i'm gettn gta 4 download ,need fa speed , gears 2 and a few others as well street fighter 4 in jan ima buy in reserve that way its paid for midnight club i have played every last one of them so this one will be in 360 bigger hard drive now cuz i just bought gta s.a. again for the 4th time but its saved to the game so now i need some space i did real good in manage my space but too many games are coming out this and the next that i want to have like everybody else...........yes i know the phillies boo so what who cares my chisox was beatn badly i still cant wait for the new update even i dun seen and read everything i can read about the update but still i cant wait for the update i hope yall had a good holloween today cuz mine was cool but i will be back at the hunted house in my hood cuz i couldnt get to do today................in closing out here is gears 2 in my thoughts

racial bounderies

it seems to me there are still racism in america and now it invading my most beloved area the video game world. But i should be more open minded about the situation but i cant not right now....look everybody we all know that Obama will win the election so all u people who are afraid of a black man running our country please let it go ..................yes everyday i play live and i hear at least 3hrs of **** this **** that u ****s cant do this as i dispies those talk all the trash over live should be kick off live yes i have repeorted these issues to micrsoft but u they are in it for the money and growth to main focus points from a business side in which i understand but from a point where as a gamer we dont wanna hear all the negative racial slurs all the time sure i can just my headset off and done with but then like telling eat ya food without spoon or fork ya feel me i pay my live just like everybody else that plays on live but its unfair that i have to play half the expierence cuz of the slurs i mean i love to interact with other peolpe on live but i love the trash talking too as anybody else does but the racial part is unacceptable people.......lets put it like my friends are mixed lets i have white black canadian british mexican you get the idea but also my list consist of fair gaming of adults who are responsible and yes some of my friend say "hood u are the only black on my list" or other ords and respond by saying it should be like that but i game resposnsible not recklessly and i'm not to please everybody but just the fact.............i knida got caried away but i think and hope yall get my point in all this mess i typed up peace happy gaming people
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