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The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Part 15

OK. Now we are on the very last part concerning what the topic has been about all along: "What did theAncient/Biblical Israelites look like in physical appearence?" After this Part, there will be a "Semi-Conclusion" Blog. So, let's get down to it. At the end of Part 14, I said we would see what a Bible scholar had said concerning how the Ancient Isralelites looked physically, and that is just what we will do.

All right. There was this Bible scholar called "Dr. Mark Goodacre" on a BBC produced program in 2001 (10 years ago). The Program was called "THE COMPLETE JESUS". Dr. Mark Goodacre stated, it would have been hard for the Messiah to hide among the Egyptians if he didn't look like the Egyptians. He was making the point that the Messiah could not have been a man of "white" hue. He admitted in the program that the Messiah was indeed a dark/"black" skinned man. This is what Dr. Mark Goodacre looked like: HERE. There should be some more pictures out there of him, but I couldn't find any.

Here is his exact quote from the program entitled "The Complete Jesus":
"Now it's very unlikely that Jesus would have been able to be HIDDEN in Egypt, if he had a very different color of SKIN from the people in Egypt."

He also made mention that the Israelites of the 1st to 3rd Centuries (during the time of the New Testament of the Bible)wore their hair in Afros, and wore short crop black beards (I guess the dreadlocks the Ancient Israelites used to wear was getting a little "old" then I guess LOL).

Hey, but didn't we discussed that very same issue also in Part 11, about how the Messiah and his family was hiding in Egypt? Yes we did. We also talked about how the Apostle Paul (another Israelite) was thought to be an Egyptian.

By the way, I found 2 interesting pictures that y'all should see: HERE and HERE. They supposedly suppose to be a temple drawing found in Egypt. It's suppose to be the Ancient Israelites going through slavery at the time of the Book of Exodus. See their skin color? Now I am not entirely sure that those drawings are really the Ancient Israelites suffering through slavery. But the reason I showed y'all those 2 pictures is because it is very possible that they could be. They could be...

Well, that is it now. I hope y'all enjoyed going through the Bible with me during this 15 Part "Series"to find some shocking truths in there. I enjoyed it though. In the next Blog, we will do a closing of the topic: "What did the Ancient/Biblical Israelites look like in physical appearence?" The next Blog called "The Most Shocking Truth You Will Ever Learn: Semi-Conclusion" will be the closing, and there we will talk so I can see if y'all have any comments/questions, etc for me. Until next time, peace y'all;)