Soon after posting yesterday's blog,the mods struck.The infraction?
Reason for moderation: Derogatory use of the term 'retardation'
Action Taken: Delete Msg - Your suspension will be rescinded in 1 day(s).
For quoting Yahtzee,I got a one day suspension.:|Sure,I probably deserved to have the message deleted,but why a suspension?It might have been just for 1 day,but a suspension's a suspension.It seems to me that the mods go for that shiny "suspend" button too much.Oh well,at least I wasn't banned....
Speaking of Yahtzee,I suggest you watch one of his reviews if you haven't already:
Oh yeah,and there's also school.
Once again,the only period I have every day is 1st period,and that's math.In which nothing interesting happened.So let's move on to English instead.
Oh,wait,nothing interesting happened in English,either.On to Spanish!!!
Not surprisingly,I'm going to have some trouble with this one.Mostly because of the way I was trying memorize the words and phrases.It went something like this:repeat something until you're sure you have it down,then continue down the list until you come back to the first item,only to find you've already forgotten it.Either that,or you can't quite put your finger on it.I guess I'll just have to use my tried-and-true method of memorizing,which is repeat until so bored you can't possibly forget.:POh yeah,and most of the people in the ****are freshmen,which makes me feel senior.:P
Next is Pre AP Biology,which also wasn't interesting at all,except for being filled with even more freshmen.And of course,being a ****with "AP" in the name,it is sure to become a bane of my school existence.
That's really all for today,except we have to go shopping for supplies tonight.Yippee.:roll: