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Character List & Updates

Here is the list of characters requested by Cradleman, their name, their character, and their powers

Blake/Wildfire - Beegk - Able to create and manipulate blue fire. He is also able to consume his whole body in fire, similar to Human Torch.

Jason/Heatwave - Sportsfan23 - Able to make his surroundings super hot, hotter than any oven I might add.

Jake/Crimson Battery - Spideyfan914- Has the ability of consuming and projecting any kind of energy, including electricity. He can use this energy to run super fast, and even fly.

Alice/She-Devil - Abby309 - Able to control a being's actions, and doing anything to her will.

Joshua/Dark One - Cradleman - Able to manipulate the darkness, create darkness, and even shoot weak beams of dark power that will paralyze a person has long as he focuses on them. He is also able to gather powers from others by touch; however, it does limit his other power.

Nicholas/Pickster - NickPick - At first intelligent, the blast of the meteor made him twice as smart. He is the smartest of all the heroes and villains, and also has increased strength and speed.

Zane/Shade - Zamxus - Able to become a shadow at will and travel through matter as a shadow. He is able to create weapons of shadow and create beams as well.

Hank - Frostite - Although he has no unique name, Hank has telekinetic ability. Able to read others mind.

Dasiou/Rikou - Rikoswind29 - Able to raise small items from the dead, or give life to via transferring of life energy. He was killed by Pickster in the second episode.

Brandon - Brandonfrench - Wouldn't you like to know?

In other words, I am almost done with Chapter three, and should be out within the next few days unless complications arise.