After much persuasion by Spideyfan, and a little searching...I was finally able to complete Ultimate Spider-Man from #1 - #133...
Story - It has definetely been fun reading, The stories we're very well written. It actually felt real, like you were watching a movie. It had a lot of good Peter and MJ moments as of my favorite moments between them is when MJ donned her "new look" and went to that party, and afterwards she gave him the letter, and he ran back to her after reading it...It was like a tearjerker without the tears! While there were some great stories, there is always a bad one in between...Morbius fits in that category as well as a few others, and even through the crappy Ultimatum story, which literally sicked me to the point of puking...really...the Spider-Man side of it was written well...Kitty Pryde was a great edition. 8/10
Characters - Where the realism comes out really is in the characters. From The normal high school teens to the supervillains. The super villains we're given more of a real look, and a better one for some...for instance, Electro. Instead of giving him a funky green and yellow costume. A simple black leather clothing with a bolt cut in is more current, something you'd see in the movies. And that makes it more real. Which I loved in USM. There really wasn't a single character done horribly in this comic, even if the story sucked (like Morbius :P) 10/10
Art - Okay, Bagley is easily some of the best, if not the best comic book artist I have seen. His art just pops out at you and it makes it so muich more easier and fun to read. When Immonen (i think) came in later in USM, I had to get used to the simpler version of Peter and Spider-Man...after reading Annual #3, I thought the art was a little wierd, and sometimes Peter looked plain like Spider-Woman clone. But I think I'll get used to it. Bagley is ten times better though. 8/10
Closing Comments - I'm really glad I was pushed to read this. It gives a while other meaning to Spider-Man I never knew. With the twists and turns that were put in these new stories, and even though it is the only comic series I have finished, I really want to read Ultimate Comics SM, and continue on with the "rebooted" franchise...especially now that Mysterio is in!
Total - 9/10