Okay, you may know about my series on youtube, The Bit-Bros. Well, I looked back and thought... "Wow, this is crap... " so I then deleted those prior to impending embarrassment, and started over. I used the footage that was originally episode 8 , and used it for the pilot. I usually get a total of... 10 views per video I WAN'T MORE! I gotta admit, it's kinda silly, but my brother, my cousin, and me all enjoy doing it. And we all think it's funny.
Okay, so that's it, and if you like Psyco, then you might never see him again. You're gonna have to watch this video FAST! I might have to delete them before you know it! Now, I don't wanna do this, but Psyco's parents don't want him online, and I was gonna upload a new episode featuring his brother too... his parents are making me delete the videos he was in!
I REALLY don't wanna do this, I just about REFUSE. These guys are hilarious, and I was SO excited to upload 1-3...:(
If you have an account there, PLEASE leave a comment while you are there, I can use that to convince them to let me leave it up!
My YouTube username is smashc0m. http://www.youtube.com/user/smashc0m/
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