:evil: I AM AT THE END OF THE ROPE WITH THE APRIL FOOL'S CRAP! A couple of you may know, I HATE APRIL FOOL'S!!! Almost every blog I read this Tuesday was an April Fool's joke!!! QUIT IT; IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!
"How can you hate it so much?" You may ask... well, I used to be very gullible, and when anyone at school tried to trick me, I instantly believed it, I just can't trust anyone on the first of April anymore! That's enough of the "i'm leaving" blogs! IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE!!! @#?%@#$!!! I usually go to Gamespot to relax and do stuff I enjoy, but what with all this crap that's going on, today was a bad day for me! SO JUST QUIT IT, ALL OF YOU :evil: