8bit7055 / Member

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Answers Anyone?!?!? (interview)

Mad4Midna: "OMG YOU WATCH FRED TOO?! thats my question"

8bit7055: Nah, my bro does all the Fred-watching, but I did happen to figure out that he says "HEY IT'S FREEEED" a lot... Not that I have anything against him.

MagisterBurner: "Favorite genre of VIDEO GAME!!!111oneoneone!!! GOOOOOOOOO!"

8bit7055: Uhh... platformer?!?!?!?

nintendoecx: "I use 2 play dreamcast. but I dont have anymore. It was no mine it was my brother he sold it. long time ago."

8bit7055: Well, that's not really a question, but I'm easy...

dragonfly110: Did you get Jet Grind Radio?

8bit7055: No, but that's one of the games I plan to get if I can find it. Along with Vigilante 8: Second Offense and Sonic Adventure.

dang, no joke there...

GreenFire95: if you had the option to build thing to benefit human life for the better, what would it be? ex: Cars with jets instead of wheels, time machines, automatic TOASTERS!!

8bit7055: TOASTERS?!? Wow, tempting, very tempting... but I would go with time machines... so I can go back in time and get JET GRIND RADIO!!!

CazmoV: "if you were sat down and a walking comb came along and shot bruce wayne in your living room, what would you do?"

8bit7055: I would throw an Italian shoe at Billy Mays drinking a Sierra Mist.

AmyRoseRox01: "If you were a polar bear, how many cabbages would be at the Chineise airport?"

8bit7055: Too many for the monkey to count...

Mario_sonic_man: "do all toasters toast toast?"

8bit7055: Nope, some play NES GAMES!!!

Now, I've got an important question for you all...

Do these guys have enough cowbell?