8bit7055 / Member

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Enter Freshman

I know, really early right? I can't believe I'm already in the 9th grade! And it seems like just yesterday I was trying to figure out how to get past that barrel thing in Carnival Night Zone.... (That was a Sonic 3 reference by the way) So yeah, I start school in the morning, I'm actually kind of excited.


Why? Because from January to May I was stuck in the worst school of all of tweendom... But I won't go into too much detail, I just can't wait to see all my friends again, all... 2 of them... or was it four? Wait what about the.... wait, what? Oh well. I haven't seen them in 8 months!

Then, a lot of people didn't like me there... oh well, rather go to a school where no one likes me, but they actually KNOW me... good times, good times...