You're all familiar with the game Rock Band, right? No? Then...
Anyway, believe it or not, they released it for the PSP, you've heard of THAT haven't you? NO?!?
Come back, ONE YEAR!
Well, I got a PSP recently, and since I'm pretty good at the Rock Band games on the 360, I thought I'd try out the portable version, Rock Band Unplugged. And for 3 days, it kicked my butt! It was so hard, you had to keep pressing the buttons when they (the notes) came down the screen, and you had to keep switching between the instruments to keep from failing! And the notes never... stopped... coming... But I've gotten much better at it, there are videos of it on YouTube, check 'em out to see what I'm experiencing...
But don't get me wrong, it sure is fun. And it's good for a car trip. Which I WILL BE GOING ON! Yeah, you won't see me for a week. Guess where I'm going, come on, guess, goin once, going twice, lady in the back? sorry...
Song listening to while making this blog: "Truckin'"-- Grateful Dead*
*yeah, I stole that from GreenFire...
Quick, pointless fact before I leave!
"It costs more than a penny to make a penny"