Key: Red=Fire Sign/Blue=Water Sign/Yellow=Air Sign/Green=Earth Sign
All right, guys. 8bit here... You might be aware that my B-day is in November which makes me a Scorpio... but I went online and saw the natural characteristics of a Scorpio, and it barely matched me at all!
So... I took a quiz online, and here were the results.
Aquarius 88%
Pisces 75%
Leo 63%
Cancer 63%
Gemini 63%
Aries 50%
Sagittarius 50%
Capricorn 38%
Virgo 38%
Taurus 38%
Libra 25%
Wow, um... I'm not emotionally torn or anything but... wow this is NOT what I expected. But I wasn't surprised, I never felt like a Scorpio, but still I wanted to make sure.
So I found ANOTHER test online, (one with more questions and answers, you know, much more accurate) but guess what happened?!?!?!?
Take a wild guess
Too Late
Here are the new results:
Leo 86% up 23%
Sagittarius 75% up 25%
Aquarius 68% down 20%
Gemini 64% up 1%
Libra 64% up 39%
Aries 57% up 7%
Virgo 57% up 19%
Pisces 54% down 21%
Cancer 46% up 17%
Taurus 46% up 8%
Capricorn 43% up 5%
Wooooow... this is WAAAAAAAY off,
Wether I'm more an Aquarius or Leo, I am certainly NOT a Scorpio. But yanno what? I'm actually pretty happy with it.
I always knew I was never a Scorpio, I'm scared of real Scorpios! And most famous Scorpios like Hillary Clinton, Charles Manson, and Roseanne, I can't really relate to. (exept for Weird Al, he is awesome).
Even though I'm TECHNICALLY a Scorpio, I really don't feel like it... makes more sense for Aquarius/Leo.
Try it, you might be surprised with the results...
And no, I am NOT running out of ideas...