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I miss Brawl/fall break (double blog)

When I played it in March for the very first time...

It blew... my... mind...

Then in June, the Wii was broken, and I could no longer play it. We let our cousins borrow our games, they could play it, we weren't able to... then later that summer, it got fixed... except it wouldn't play double-layered disks like Brawl... oh how disappointed I was.

Ladies and gents, this is what you'd call... a gamer sob-story... LOL

Yeah, it's sad I really want another Wii for my birthday, or get my current one fixed so I can play Brawl again. Whenever I go to our younger cousin's house, I just play it there. (they're starting to think I'm using them... oh wait, I kinda am... XD) Brawl has been my favorite game 4 a long time. And I'm still thinking of a way at getting back online with my Wii, and I know what to do... a wireless access point, I'm still finding a way around all the problems...

Since I'm boring you...

I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a while, so here I go.

It's been fall break all week long, and I can honestly say that it has gone by way too fast. My dad says he'll do something with me and my brother, BlokE, tomorrow after church as sort of a... fall break end

And I'm not too excited for school on Monday; not just because... well... it's school, but also since there's gonna be CUTBACKS!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!

There are some people who are getting kicked out of the advanced 8th Grade, there are some not doing too well, and some who deserve to be in the advanced 8th Grade more than others, and I'm afraid, I might be getting the boot...

They better not try me... cause if they do...

Mr game and watch I has a bucket Pictures, Images and Photos