8bit7055 / Member

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I'm off! On a double vacation!

Yous read that right... I'm going to Florida!


My cousins, (mom's side of the family) are taking us to a condo near the beach, I'll be staying there for a week! However, this means there will be a carpool. :x UGH! :x It'll be a tight trip... AH, WELL! It'll be worth it.

I'm leaving first thing in the morning, won't be back 'till Saturday, oh wait, that would be my mom. I'm going away for a little while longer, my dad is picking me up and driving me to Arkansas to come and see his play. (He's kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinda famous, but like, State famous, not like Hanna Montana famous:P) Can't wait guys! Peace out!

Game & Watch FTW!

Mr. Game and Watch Taunt 3