8bit7055 / Member

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I's is tagged... 10 Facts about me.

So, I got tagged, and I won't say by whom... He..., she..., it... (no offense, just creating the illusion of secrecism) told me to write ten things about myself. So, what the heck.

1. I am desperately searching for a way to get online with my Wii.

2. I drink lots and lots of Dr. Pepper.

3. I have a brother called BlokE64 whom will be joining on 6/06/2010 (his 13th birthday)

4. I'm a very lonely person. (never like-liked anybody)

5. I have Nintendo systems, except for one PS2, I've been hiding that for a while, the only reason is so I can play Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2, and Rock Band.

6. I've been afraid that if anyone found out about fact #5, they'd stop tracking me. (the truth comes out, doesn't it?) :D

7. I really wish I could upload videos.

8. I made my own version of Mad4Midna's and YoshiRules123's "Jail" stage.

9. I'm a MASTER at Guitar Hero; Beat every single game on Expert!

And number 10. I like the color orange!

Well, that about-- oh, wait a second.

Well, that about covers it.

Game & Watch rules! Sorry, no picture today.