8bit7055 / Member

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Is it me, or is Gamespot getting boring?

It's nothing really, but I'd just assume that nothing good is happening to me right now, so many of my good friends are getting banned, and almost all the games I want I already have. This is weird, but I'd like something to wait for. My Wii's broken I've tried so many times to send it away, but I never had the chance. I want my games back; I'm letting my cousins have Brawl and Guitar Hero III until mine gets fixed, but will that ever happen? What if I have to get a new Wii? Will I have to do everything over again! :AUGH:!!!:evil:

Anyway, the whole point is: I come here to do something, all that's happening are banishments, union invites, and a whole bunch of boring. Maybe something interesting will happen soon...

And I'm NOT leaving! I will never leave Gamespot; it's like my virtual home!