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Let's play ANOTHER little game shall we?

Remember back when I posted the blog titled: "Let's play a little game, shall we?" Where I made you list 5 things about yourself and one of them had to be fake? Well I had a record amount of comments; 18!!! Well, iiiiiiiiiiit's.... baaaaaaaaaaaccccckkk! (echo) All right, who took my tape recorder?

Remember in my last blog when I said something about not liking V-Day? How I'm fine with being the lonely hillbilly? (well, not in those exact words:P) And how I'm more of a comic relief than a real dramatic person? Well here's a little game for you...

I was watching this video online titled, "Try Not To Laugh! Doubt You'll Last!", BlokE (the one with the girlfriend, grr...) was watching it and I happened catch sight, there were these random clips, and we both tried not to laugh, but it was too hard for us, we barely lasted 2 minutes! And we were only 1/5 of the way through! Tell me how far you made it... and I'll grade you on a scale of one to ten, it's a test to see if you have no sense of humor! Lol, not really, it's kinda silly, but I LAUGHED!

Here is teh Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJs-uXIgvUk