8bit7055 / Member

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My brother, BlokE64, is turning 11 today!

My brother, (call him BlokE64), is having his birthday today. He was born around noonish 11 years ago. I can't believe I forgot! I was getting online this morning and my mom said. "Hey, get dressed," I was like, "what?". Cause usually she never said that unless it was a school day, or church, I started to feel bad inside. Then she said, "It's your brother's birthday,"

And I was like, "Dang! I forgot my brother's birthday!?!," I usually never do anything that stupid!

Dad got him Rock Band the other day since he wasn't going to be there. Mom's getting him a motorized scooter:o (don't tell nobody) We've got a long day ahead of us, so I'll be back at around like maybe 8 o' clock.

Game & Watch FTW.