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Random Adult Swim Quotes!

I just sorta felt like throwing some funny crap here just to let you know I'm not dead... here's the key to the shows...

Space Ghost Coast to Coast

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

The Brak Show

Space Ghost: Moltar, flush the lake...

Moltar: We don't have a lake.

Space Ghost: Good work.

Frylock: (holding a book) Look, just give this a chance, okay?

Meatwad: "The Tiniest Bullfrog"... there, I'm done. Now come on, wrestling's on.

Frylock: Hang on Meatwad. (opens book) There's a little more...

Meatwad: Aw, wait. You gotta open it now? When did they start doing that?

Brak: Hello, my name is Brak!

Brak's clone: Hello, my name is Brak!

Brak: I live in a house down the street!

Brak's clone: I live in a house down the street!

Brak: I'm wearing clean underwear!

Brak's clone: You are not...

Brak: You got me! (both laugh)

Conan O' Brien: "Space Ghost" is a space man who died and became a space ghost. Now, I know you don't want the kids knowin... but you died, baby. You gotta... get down with that.

Space Ghost: NO!


Space Ghost: NO!

Conan: You're a space man that choked on a muffin!

Space Ghost: That, sir, is impossible, because I am allergic to muffins!


Conan: Oh, I'm sorry.

Space Ghost: You're thinking of Muffin Hunter; he's different...

Frylock: Meatwad, get off the road; it's dangerous.

Meatwad: Uh-uh; this here's my road when I is in it, and I'm in it.

Frylock: Who told you that?

Meatwad: Master Shake.

Shake: Ahem!

Meatwad: Oh, um... Captain Master Shake.

Shake: Of...?

Meatwad: Uh, in a... planetary traffic safety squadron patrol...

Shake: Which unit?

Meatwad: All units.

Shake: Except...?

Meatwad: Except... Jupiter and Spain; unless otherwise noted.

Shake: Good, we're learning something...

Brak: Mr. Tickles, how do y- how do you think Thundercleese is going to take this?

Mr Tickles: Oh god, he'll tear your arms off!

Brak: But I love my arms! That's where my hands live!

If you want to, I'll post some more, maybe...