Sadly the king of pop has been done in. You know what that means? It's time to impersonate a news anchor...
Today at noon, the beloved king of pop, Michael Jackson, suffered a heart attack in Los Angeles; he was rushed to UCLA hospital where the doctors were unable to save him, he was pronounced dead at the age of 50...
That's right, Bob. (Okay, now I'm making up fake names... :roll:) It is sad; the middle-aged star was just about to go on his last tour, but little did he know that the one he had previously been on was the actual last.
Michael Jackson's career started even before he was an adult, in 1964, he and his four brothers formed the Jackson 5, with Jackson on lead vocals. The 5 released pop singles such as "I want you back", "The love you save", "I'll be there", and "ABC".
Although his popularity didn't really rise until he went solo and released the greatest selling album of all time, Thriller. He continued to release hits such as "Thriller", "Beat It", "Smooth Criminal", "Billie Jean", "Bad", "Jam", and "Black or White".
In the 90's, his career started to take a turn for the worse, but due to the censors, I will not mention them...
In 2009, he announced his last tour, the last thing he said... "I'll see you in July"
Michael Jackson 8/28/58---6/25/09
I didn't get to say much...
You can do the weather...
Weather? What weather? We're on a blog some 14 year old's writing on a game-based website! There's no weather here!
You can take it or leave it...
How can I leave it when there's nothing to take?
You wanna talk about the yellow-brick road being abducted by aliens?
Yes! Today, in the land of Xanthinos--
Oh, dear... we're out of time! Good night Gamespot!