Yeah, that's kind of weird, isn't it? Wanting to see bad movies? Well, for one thing, I'm curious, just to see how bad they are. Also, I might like them.
Remember my blog about what you think is the worst game ever? What I said about opinions applies to movies too. For example: Twilight. Many, many people hate it, but the other half like it. Also, even a masterpiece like Star Wars, someone might not like it. Same thing.
So here are some of the flops I am interested in...
1. Last Action Hero (1993) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austin O' Brien, Robert Prowsky
Now, this one has an interesting premise, a young boy named Danny winds up in a movie with his favorite star, Jack Slater (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger). Danny knows how movies like this work, so he knows how everything is going to happen. When the movie is over, though, both Danny and Jack return to the real world where Jack realizes things aren't quite the same in real life...
It didn't do well at the box office, and was given a negative review by the Nostalgia Critic, but it looks interesting, even though the ending is kinda crappy, but it still looks cool and I wanna see it.
2. The Love Guru (2008) Mike Meyers, Romany Marco, Verne Troyer
This is one of the more recent flops; I saw the trailer for it, it seemed interesting enough, but what really drew my attention to it, was the fact that it won the 2008 Razzie Award for Worst Picture.
I've heard that "Most of the humor in this movie is just obsene puns and ridiculous sight gags". Wow, now I'm REEEEEEEEALY curious... If this isn't the best dumb film ever, I don't know what is!
3. Batman & Robin (1997) George Clooney, Chris O' Donnel, Arnold Schwarzenegger
This is considered by many to be the worst film of all time, let alone worst Batman movie of all time. Many hated it for being campy, silly, and just plain weird... I guess it wasn't a good idea to use one of the worlds darkest figures:P.
But I don't think a film like this should be taken seriously, it was more intended for younger fans than the hardcore. I definitely want to check this one out!
One more thing... I saw the Super Mario Bros Movie recently...
No joke...