Today, I have a special guest-- Typing this blog will be the one, the only, the ignored majorly... My bro, BlokE64-
Ignored?! I'm not-- Forget it. Anyway so Here's our console list:
Genesis (does)
Super Nintendo
Nintendo 64
Wii (and GC)
...BUT NO XBOX 360 (anymore)
It broke...:cry:
Okay so I got Pretty dang pi@%3! (Who Wouldent?)
BUT, I can get it fixed. SOOOOOOOO...... If I can still work...
I guess I should introduce mahself...
BlokE Meet... MONEY!!!:lol:
I even Split it up into 6 Catigories:
Wires (3)
Controllers (3)
Dumbell (the console itself)
Memory (2 Including Hard Drive ;))
Games (11)
Accesories (2)
But then again, I like that console.
So, Tell Me if I should Keep it, or lose it (Money Way)
And that is why I have a Wii...