Those highly addicted to newer technology, looking back will go...
"Wow, this sure looks like good old-fashioned stuff...It's just too bad that old games didn't have motion control."
YOU'RE one of those?
Well guess what, back then there was a controller that did just that, even back then there was a revolutionary new way to play games!
It was revolutionary, it was kinda dorky, it was way ahead for it's time!
It was a...
Yeah, that's what it was. A glove.
You put this son of a gun on, plug it in to the NES, and you actually move your hand to control the game.
Now, you're playing with power!
So... why hasn't anybody nowadays heard about it?
Because it sucked...
Let's face it. If anything... it was a pretty interesting experiment... but the technology was just too young for it's time.
To start off, you had to place these three sensors on the top of your TV, simular to the sensor bar. Having trouble putting that bar on top? Keep slipping off? You're glad you never had the power glove... most people needed TAPE to get this thing to stay...
See the three things connected to wires? Those are the sensors...
For another thing... you had to put in a code for every game you played. There were five digits to put in for every freaking game there was...
So, if you're looking for a challenge, the power glove is a no brainer...
Now, I told you THAT story to tell you this one...
I was surfing the internet... and there aren't words used to describe this... Only 1 picture...
Uh oh...