I have acquired many old systems. This was one heck of a week!
On Sunday, Grandma let me have her old Sega Genesis! Nintendo's longtime competitor from the 8-bit and 16-bit days. And as we all know, Mario's so-called rival, Sonic the Hedgehog, made his first appearance on this console in the early 90's... I just wish I had the TV adapter for it... :?
My brother, BlokE, got this cool console this week. It is called the FC Twin, I believe, or something close to that, and it plays both NES and SNES games! I am now able to play ANY Nintendo game on ANY system! I may have said this before, but now is the only reasonable time... "I AM 8BIT!!!"
And my spree hasn't ended yet... there's one thing that has been promised....
It's time to play with power...