Lulz, not really :P!
Well, I haven't blogged for a long time, much less been on for the long and short of it... I've been up to my neck in 8th grade. There's very little time for fun anymore, fortunately I'll always have spare time.
So, I've been playing lots of Rock Band lately (the crappy PS2 version... HELP!) I think I'm getting Rock Band 2 for the Xbox360 on my birthday, well. It's what I want. But that's not all! I would also like another Wii, my old (oh, I'm sorry) "current" Wii will never be able to play double-layered discs again, and I think I have a way to play online, (not yet, though... I'll find a way around it soon)
I've wanted to play online brawl with you guys for a long time... that moment has been very anticipated for quite an amount of time... as soon as I get it online and everything, I'll be there just about 24/7. I got tons of spare time. (yes, I have no life. SHUT UP!:))
Oh, and next week...
Fall Break!!! WOOT!