8bit7055 / Member

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Worst game EVAH!!!

Oh great! Now that I have your attention...

(it'll get interesting later on...)

I've seen so many people on YouTube posting videos about the worst games they have ever played. It's always the same...

"this is the worst game ever made, it sucks cuz of this, I don't like it cuz of that"

It's like Tweedledee and Tweedledum over there...

The main thing I hate about these videos, and also user reviews right here on Gamespot, is that they claim that all their opinions are straight up facts.

I will only say this once; Nobody has the same opinion, I REPEAT NO ONE has the same opinion.

There could be a game that someone likes, but someone else might think it sucks. Or someone could despise a certain game that someone else enjoys.

So HERE'S the fun part.

Just out of curiosity, what is the absolute worst game you have ever played in your entire life?

Now I don't wanna hear you say "Superman 64" unless you've actually played it, if you've heard it was bad, that's not good enough... you must have PLAYED it.

And don't you dare say Sonic 06 or I'll take your cookie...

Sorry... (throws bone to opinion)