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2nd or 3rd Bomb Threat at my school this year! *rolls eyes*

No, it wasn't an April Fools joke played on my school, 'cause it was yesterday. Anyway, last Friday some girl in my class said that there was a message written on the girls' bathroom wall saying something like "On Monday March 31st '08 at 9:15 a.m. I'm gonna blow up the whole school." And that's the 2nd or 3rd bomb threat at my high school! Isn't that ridiculous? I mean, of course, it didn't happen or I wouldn't be writing this. Yesterday, they didn't cancel school, we had a lockdown from 9-9:30, and we had to turn the lights out and sit by the wall on the cold, hard floor away from the doors and windows... I really think that was stupid! I mean, what if there really was a bomb (which there was not)? Then we would just be sitting, waiting for our presumed deaths; we should be out on the football field! LOL!:lol: That was dumb. And we were all joking about the stupid threat in my 1st block. We even did a countdown like "1 hour until we're all blown into little itty-bitty shiny pieces!" I thought it was funny. And it was 9:17 and some guy was like "Maybe they're 2 minutes behind schedule." And then after the lockdown when all are a**es were nice and numb, some of us were like "*gasp* What if they tricked us, and the bomb will go off at 9:45!!:o" It was absolutely stupid!lol

Anyway, nothing happened at school today on April Fools Day! But something (almost) happened yesterday. I don't know, I just find that kinda weird. What about you? Any good jokes pulled on you or you pulled today? Please share...

Hope you all had a good April Fools Day!!! Buh-bye! :D:D

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