Thinking the Switch is a competitor to X1/PS4 is infuriating. That's like comparing the Chevy Corvette to a Chevy Malibu. Both cars do well what they set out to do.
If the Switch were to be as powerful as X1/PS4, it couldn't be mobile. A non-mobile Nintendo product would be lost in a sea of X1s, PS4s, and PCs.
I'm so sick and tired of people failing to grasp that absurdly simple concept.
@sticktaler36: I won't argue that the PC gaming experience is superior to a mobile gaming. But the fact is, I can't play on my PC when I'm not at home. Getting to play something on the go that isn't Angry Birds/Clash of Clans is something I'm very interested in. Besides those "kid" games you're talking about, those are what I grew up on. Mario and Zelda will always have a special place in my memory. Games don't all have to be about blood and gore. But then again, only mature gamers would understand that.
One question for you: Do you have a smartphone? Does it have a single game on it? Uh oh, you're not a serious gamer. :)
93ChevyNut's comments