easy way- not reliable get 3 rank As to lv. 25+ better way- takes work, but worth it go on Cell HQ http://www.freewebs.com/dqmj/slimechart.htm syth untill you get zoma rank X lv. 27+ - malroth+whight king (x2) black dragon rank S lv. 30+- bone baron+great dragon (not on chart) (x1) skills Zoma (1) captain crow- needed badly dragon lore- good to have aquapothecary- good to have Black dragon anti dragon- not needed assassin- needed badly attack boost- o.k Zoma (2) captain crow- needed badly breath- good to have cleric- needed badly tec- keep on using multislash, gigagash, and others. when out of mp, double trouble will take care of snapped if it hasnt already note- captn crow- keep on doing piracy problems, beat him and he wil join your team (only appears at night) he has an epic skill named after him
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