Don't say "Titan quest is a Diablo clone", because in that case all FPSs,RTSs, MMORPSs and etc. can be called clones. Just think they came out at the same time. I don't think Gamespot should've rated Titan Quest lower just because it was the same genre.DarkRecruit
early in the genre's lifespan, first person shooters were called doom clones - that was the official genre name
and it was legitimate - because that's all most of them were... it's only when first person shooter games started evolving and developing and moving - in technology and gameplay - beyond the boundaries of doom that the genre earned a name not affiliated with doom - it no longer applied
i think it's fair to apply the same rationale to diablo - i mean, think about it... ever play gauntlet? would it be fair to call diablo a gauntlet clone? it's certainly inspired by gauntlet - but it's so far above and beyond that you can't even sit down and compare them, besides at a fairly fundamental you kill stuff in dungeons level... besides that, diablo is bigger, better and more evolved in so many ways that you really just can't compare them
can the same be said of titan quest when comparing it with diablo? personally, i'd say no - i think it's a fine game, but i also think it's a diablo clone... it's not until games start to better the genre, to do new things in new ways and to distinguish themselves that they becomes more than a clone, and i don't think titan quest, great though it is, managed that on any level
that said, it's just that there's so few entires in the hack n slash genre, and so few good ones that diablo 2 is just engrained in everyone's brains, we think of hack n slash and we think of diablo, - and as it's also the best the genre has to offer - it's only natural to compare all entries in the genre with diablo 2, given that it's the current pinnacle of the genre's accomplishments
hellgate will get the same treatment, but it's actually doing new things in new ways and offering a totally new take on the genre, so even though the game reeks of diablo, people don't make that automatic diablo clone assumption - and that's what titan quest is missing out on... originality - they took an idea and flat out copied it, quality is hardly the issue
don't get me wrong, i don't have a problem with copying, with inspiration - i think the expression "ripped off" is a misnomer... everything is based on something, inspired by something - stolen from something... diablo is just an updated version of gauntlet, gauntlet is probably inspired by d&d - it goes on and on back for decades (centuries, even - if you want to get into the d&d/lotr/norse mythos thing) before computer games even existed... but the point is, titan quest didn't do anything new - and the genre itself isn't somehow limited - just look at hellgate, the possibilities for the genre are enormous... and yet what did titan quest offer that was new?
other games in other genres,even full blown clones themselves, will usually bring something new to the table - but titan quest... i admittedly didn't play the whole game, but from what i saw and read - it just did the same thing in a new way... diablo clone might be too harsh a term... but what else are you going to call it? it feels just like diablo - and at best gave us different ways of doing the same thing... what is there to truly distinguish titan quest from diablo in the same way that diablo stands head and shoulders above gauntlet
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