The computer as a gaming platform has the ability to grow unbelievably. I wish Microsoft would make the 720 a program where developers can't pass certain technical specs. If you want that stamp of mainstream approval (the 720 stamp), you'd have to abide by the specs of the system.
They would then have to address one other problem, multiplayer gaming on one console. Which is really the only thing keeping me from becoming strictly a computer gamer. I've got the USB ports, technical specs, broadband, good sound output, etc. on my computer that would make it comparable to a 360 yet it's all solo gaming or one person per computer.
It's a farfetched idea, I guess, but how simple would it be to go to the store and buy a 720 game or better yet buy them online on a new downloadable service Microsoft could make. Similar to XBLA.
To me that makes too much sense. If I could get rid of all of this clutter with TVs, game consoles, DVD/CD cases, and maybe even books I would. Compile it all onto my computer. That's an ideal world for me. But it'd be an ideal world for entertainment as well: One device that gives you access to everything electronic besides light bulbs. (monitors do provide a light source.)
BTW I pre-ordered Mirror's Edge last week after playing the demo. Since then I've played through the demo probably 5 more times, watched it another 5 times, and tried setting high scores on the time trials for hours. The concept is really good for everyone.
I also bought EXIT for XBLA and it seems wicked cool though I haven't gotten far enough into it yet to really say.
-Beautiful Katamari
-Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix
I don't really care to look into Gears of War 2 anymore. But I will play it at friends' houses.
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