I traded in a few games Sunday. Mario Kart DS, Mario Strikers Charged, Trauma Center, and Advance Wars Dual Strike. Not only was I able to fully pre-order Smash Bros Brawl with that money, I was left with about $12 after the fact. (when you pre-order Smash at Gamestop you get 20% extra trade-in value for your games, plus I had my EB Edge card which gave me an extra 10% on top of that I believe.) So sure enough I find on the store shelf a game i was looking at years ago, Odama. For those that don't know it's a military command game for Gamecube. You use the mic to control troops (I guess not unlike Tom Clany's EndWar but a little more shallow and then you basically are playing pinball try to kill other troops with a huge ball that goes around the screen, while mnagine your own and trying to carry a bell to an objective point.) It's a great concept and it works. There's some time you gotta spend to adapt though.
anyways that was $13 plus tax so for $1.68 after trade-in's I got Smash Brawl pre-ordered and Odama with the mic and the thing that clips the mic to the GC controller. Mondo cool.