-Too Human tore itself apart according to Gamespot's review. 5.5 is pretty ugly and after reading many reviews and snippets (I love snippets) I understand where it went wrong and why it's not the game for me.
So I had $30 down and traded it towards Boom Blox for my nephew's Birthday next month. I waggle down to college in just over a week though so it's gonna blow his face apart to see this early gift (hopefully it will).
-Also I got Madden 09 Collector's Edition. It's a really great game and I'm playing tons of it before I write a review. There's little quirks in the gameplay. Most of them can totally be overridden if you modify your play style slightly. (like timing your button presses) It's deep, it has been fun and I can't wait to dig more into it. NFL Head Coach 09 is also a great game. It's worth $30 or $40 but not the full $50 they're gonna charge for it next month. Packing it nice and tidy next to Madden each year should at a slightly discounted price is the way to go. EA should keep that up as I am willing to trade in Madden Collectors Edition for the newest one every year if they do this. The boxing for it is tight too.
-Finally I played a little Castle Crashers. I played the demo on newgrounds, Castle Crashing Tom Fulo's Beard. Tom Fulp is one of the Behemoth's few developers. It was a special game. The opening line from the big Tom Fulp head and beard was, "Welcome to die." ('die' sounded like it was recorded separately from 'welcome to') and the gameplay was extremely smooth and fluid. This only represents opinion but it was exactly what I'd call fun gameplay.
My wish list is now:
-Castle Crashers
-Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix
Possibly wish list:
-Banjoe Kazooie Nuts and Bolts (if I do the pre0order)
-Gears of War 2
-Far Cry 2 (the map editor sold it)
Rent first:
-Mirror's Edge
-Silent Hill: Home Coming