Yesterday, I was watching a Blu-Ray and my brother had to go to bed so we decided to finish it the next day. Today, I come home and put it in there and it makes this weird and loud grinding noise. I have no idea whats wrong but I guess I'll have to call sony. :(
AAKH's forum posts
I have a 2 year old sister who has unfortunantly found out how to eject the discs from the PS3, so whenever we try to watch a movie or play a game she does that. She also figured out how to put CDs into the PS3. A while back, she put in 3-4 CDs and it took a while to get out. Now, I think she put something else in there because whenever I put in a CD, it won't read it. It turns off and on and can eject discs but it doesn't read them. Any advice?
A grand theft auto style free world environment type game. Except, there would be no guns. You would be Captain Falcon and you would go around falcon punching people even though he's a nintendo character.
If I could have a sequel to any game, I would LOVE another good Marvel Vs. Capcom or Crash Bandicoot.
I hate playing it 'cause it's scary hahah. I do love it, even though I'm not far in it.
I have a lot of games that are really fun and that I love but the current ones are Street Fighter IV, KZ2, TF2 and L4D for PC. All of these games are really fun with and without friends and they always keep me coming back. In the older days, it was Pokemon Blue or whatever the current gen pokemon was (except Diamond or Pearl, ew.)
RE5 then inFamous for sure. I need to get some cash though @_@
I heard Noby Noby Boy had easy ones but I don't have it so I don't know haha.
I did, I still have it but its stowed away in my basement haha
I can't wait. Sadly, I can't get it on the day its released because I just got SF IV and KZ2. D:
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