1AM. Can't get to sleep. Thought I'd express my thoughts on the new generation of vidya games to deter the onset of boredom.
Here we go again with the new generation of consoles, which means it's time to start thinking about which ****ing console I'd like to invest in.
Starting with the Wii U...
I've actually made this decision already. I'm getting it.
Yeah, I had a change of heart regarding the Wii U. I don't fully understand why, considering all they announced at their conference was bull****. That 3D Mario game everyone was excited to see? Well it's Super Mario 3D World, a game that undeniably falls under the 'same old ****' categorey. I've read all the previews and watched all the gameplay, so I'm pretty much an expert on the game and, therefore, I am qualified to let you know that it adds absolutely nothing fresh to series. This is conservative Nintendo in full force, banking as hard as humanly possible on nostalgia.
The nostalgia manipulation doesn't end there. Nintendo then exictedly informs everyone that they have Retro working on yet another ****ing side scroller Donkey Kong game. Ugh. I know what you're saying, "**** you dude, DKC is awesome", and I agree. Trust me, I do, but come the **** on, these are the guys that brought us METROID PRIME. Put them in charge of a project more in line with that. Please, for the love of God.
But, wow, for some reason all this still managed to look way more attractive to me than the shit that Sony and Microsoft were peddling: self-serious cinematic ultra-violence. There isn't anything about those games that I object to, I mean, my favorite sound effect is the headshot in Gears of War, but I've spent an entire generation blowing the brains out of countless mooks, and, well, it's time for a breath of fresh air. I feel like I'm suffocating under all this grimdark violence.
So, the Wii U is my fresh air, but I'm going to do the smart thing and hold off until Nintendo realizes they are out of their minds with THAT pricing.
Also, I didn't own a Wii for the most of it's cycle, so it'll be nice to be able to go back and play SMG2, Skyward Sword, etc.
Xbox One
This is the console all my friends will be getting, and that makes it difficult for me to say no. But, ****, I kind of have to as long as it is priced at FIVE HUNDRED ****ING DOLLARS. The thing isn't even as powerful as the PS4 and they're going to justify the $100 price gap with Kinect? I don't even want that pos.
Despite all that, Microsoft's line up actually does spark some interest in me, and I guess that's the most important thing right. Ryse looks pretty god damn awful, but on the other hand, Sunset Overdrive looks COOL AS ****. Phil Spencer has also heavily implied they'll be giving us more Crackdown, which would be nice as long as they don't pull another Crackdown 2.
I'm annoyed about the weaker hardware though, and I need to see how it'll compare to the other platforms. If there is a huge gulf in visuals, the ability to play multiplayer with my favorite people in the world will look much less attractive compared to building a new computer, especially considering my two most anticipated games are visually intensive multiplats: The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. I know, it's completely irrational of me, but trust me when I say that I am powerless against my graphics whorism.
Oh and, hey, Microsoft, you should totally make another Banjo Kazooie, except this time don't make it a ****ing lego game, make it a Banjo Kazooie game. Don't be stupid.
Sony's first party line up has never really held my interest. Killzone, God of War, Infamous, I'd classify under 'borefest'. Uncharted, while fun, I've had my fill of. Everything else is just way too forgetable for me to even remember. About the only (soon-to-be) series I'd miss is The Last of Us, but even that game is just way too movie-like to have any lasting value to me. What I mean by that is, I played through it once and while the combat against humans is dope, you're effortlessly sneaking past zombies, scavanging shit, and engaging in predetermined conversations for so much of the
game that all replay value is lost.
Anyways, went a little off-topic there, I am still interested in seeing the new IPs Sony has in store unless they're it's just more linear story driven games. My interest in that is waning and these developers should cater to my interests way more often. Moar open world yo, you got the linear stuff covered.
Finally we have the PC.
So, the thing about PC gaming is: I'm not into any PC exclusives, I don't care for mods, and the indie games I do want to play don't require high end hardware. The main draw for me is better image quality/graphics, the fact that it is an open platform, near infinite backwards compatibility, better sales, Gaben, and keyboard/mouse for FPS. Considering that, I'm not exactly sure whether it's worth it or not to build a new PC. Consoles are much more conveinent, less expensive and they tend to have more exclusives I'm into. Sorry PC, Rome Total War and Dota 2 are not included in "The Things I Like". But, it's hard to say when I look at the aforementioned positives of the platform.
So it comes down to PC, PS4, or Xbox One. Rational me says go with the Xbox One because that's what my friends are going with and that is fairly important to me. Unfortunately, the Xbox One version of The Witcher 3 won't exhibit the smae level of unfiltered beauty the PC version will, but it'll run it. Can't say the same about XBO exclusives for PC.
In conclusion: **** my friends for choosing Xbox One and for being unwavering in their devotion to getting one. I'm going to bed.