This is just something I thought about, something I've been wanting to get off my chest for a bit because its really been bothering me.
Metroid Other M. As I started I was aware of what people said, but I ignored it. I played for about 15 min and liked what was there. The mechanics felt fine but most of all i was happy to play a new Metroid title (I'm a huge fan of the franchise, its my most favorite game). As I kept playing I started noticing small things I didn't like growing bigger and bigger in number and the Ridley fight was the pinnacle of it. The way that black guy (I forget his name) called her a "lady" as if she was some frail weak thing and then she proceeded to stand there like a **** while Ridley made him eat **** From then on i just kept hoping it would get better, a false feeling in the back of my mind/gut saying "its metroid, it can't be that bad". When I eventually did beat it I didn't even feel like touching it again. I was so disappointed. It was a real sinking feeling.I never felt like I just outright wasted money like that (I got it at launch) before and I knew I wasted money on this game yet I continued to try to convince myself that I didn't.
Eventually I put it on top of a shelf (not with the other games, just at the very top, just set it there) and didn't touch it for months, I forgot it existed. Couple months later nintendo announces the 25th Anniversary of Zelda and the upcoming show. I felt like something was missing but I wan't sure what. I realized it a couple months later. It was also Metroid's 25th and it was being completely ignored.
Now, hear me out first... I'm a game art student. Loads of my hours I spent playing games were on Metroid games, I've played them all and loved them all and a lot of my inspiration and drive to continue comes from those games. The thought that someday I could make something like it.
Seeing metroid treated like this, brushed off and ignored made me depressed, pissed off and a myriad combination of other feelings. It was instant and sort of just a jerk reaction, I blamed it all on Other M. I went into gamestop and traded it in, I didn't even care what they would give me for it, I just wanted to get rid of it.
Pretty much how I feel about that game.